My goodness, who amongst my many many readers (BAH! I'm killing myself here!) doesn't know Little Big Town? Shame on you! Stop reading now, go to iTunes and start downloading, I'll wait.
NO REALLY I'll wait.
Ok...everybody back?
GOOD! Now turn it on in the background so you'll really get the most from this.
My mom, my beloved honey, his dad, and I all went to see LBT at the House of Blues in AC yesterday. It was such a blast! We met up with my BH's folks at Showboat and had a bite to eat at the HOB restaurant. This is the second (or is it third?) time I've been there. Still haven't had something I disliked. I had a VERRA nice medium rare burger with gobs of bacon on it. Mom went with the Cajun chicken pot pie which she loved. BH and his mom went with the catfish po'boy which they both seemed to really enjoy and his dad went with the jambalaya which he really liked...except for that first bite. He decided to bite into the jalapeno that came with the dish. I'm guessing he's not a fan of the real HOT hot. I don't think he was quite prepared for it to be that hot! lol I think he drowned it out with the rest of the dish and a big ole glass of soda. At least I hope he drowned it out with that! I hope he didn't pay for that later!
Right after dinner, we all split up and his folks headed to another casino (I think) to check it out, BH went walking on the Boardwalk in one direction and Mom and I headed in another. STOP it! He's allowed to go off and look at derelict construction sites if he likes! lol Me and mom, we headed to Steel Pier. I was THIS close to getting her to get a waterproof tattoo! lolol Get a little fairy for her, get me a little pirate head or something (you know International Talk Like a Pirate Day is approaching! Total personal threadjack here...but you DO know about ITLAPD,right? It's Sept. 19th. Get cracking! And I fully expect it to be celebrated in the Azores this year!!!!!!!). They would have worn off in about a week or so. She could have walked into work Tuesday and shown off her new tat...yelling at the rest of the loser bitches who don't have cool art like hers...all while pretending it wasn't going to wash off in the shower and be like the total adult version of the Cracker Jack tattoo prize! LOLOL But, we were running out of time and didn't think we'd get back for the meet up with everyone else! It might be something I talk her into later though! STAY TUNED!
Mom and I also got to check out the Rocket. Rocket hell, it should just be called the Vomit Comet and be done with it! It looks so cool but I really think I'd have to be falling down drunk and high as a kite to even CONSIDER IT! (And frankly even the THOUGHT of getting onto the thing under any influence of ill advised substances makes me nauseous. Without the benefit of ever having been high, I quite frankly cannot even imagine being such under THESE conditions!) For the's a big ball of metal with 2 seats in it. That's it! Then for the spankin' prices of $20 for one person or $55 for 2 (and coming with commemorative shirts for the riders and a SPESHIUL video capturing your vomiting all over God and Creation, how can you even think there's a better way to spend that paltry amount of money!), you get buckled into the thing while it kicks up up into the air on what seriously appears to be a giant bungee cord/rubber band thingie!
In fact, go HERE . The first picture...the two red lines... That's the guide posts for the Rocket! Then a shot of the cage and then one of the Rocket going up. But that really doesn't do it justice folks. The cage shoots UP AND OVER the top of the guide post things but at least a story...maybe TWO!
And again, in fact go HERE . That's a video of it! These folks are klearly krazee...but I'll admit does look like heap shit fun, if you can keep the vomit off your new shirt that is!
After Mom and I got done investigating that, we headed back and caught up with BH and his dad. His mom didn't want to see the show, so she played while we were in there. We go into the area and find our way up to the seats...3 flights of stairs at a good incline. Remember me...sick...couldn't make it into work for two days leading up to this (stop it, only coma, death or paralysis was keeping me from this concert!). I wanted to stop 3 or 4 times along the way to catch my breath. You'd have thought I was dying! (I was, but let's not get caught up in the little things, shall we?!) We get to the top and the lady hears me sucking wind like a marathoner and she gets all annoyed. Apparently there's an elevator and she can't believe the crew downstairs aren't pointing that out. didn't. Oh well!
So Mom points out that we've got two sets of tickets - one for her and I and one for BH and his dad and that they're not together. So...the crew figures the show isn't sold out they put us a reserved section! lololol It was soooooo cool! We were about 2 rows back from where BH was gonna be sitting and about 4 back from where mom and I would have been. BUT! We got to sit together on a big old overstuffed leather couch with cute little tables and everything! It was really fun!
The opener (Jonathan Singleton and the Groove), I thought, was really fantastic! I love his raspy, not quite trained and rough around the edges voice. BH and his dad were not quite as impressed, lol but as my pop says, that's why they make vanilla and chocolate! They played for about 30-40 minutes or so. I really liked the songs, especially one called Living in Paradise and one called Why Don't We Just Dance that Josh Turner will be releasing Monday. Their version (it's their song) is killer good and quite rocky but they said Josh's is a wee bit slower and obviously deeper (LOL) so I can't wait to hear it. (I'm a huge JT fan anyway!).
LBT came out at 10pm and played for about and hour and a half. It was just great. They're harmonies are just so fantastic! There's no one out there like them. I think it is completely criminal the show wasn't sold out - but then again, we might not have gotten the cool couch seats so I guess that's ok. A great mix of both their albums and then a new song and a couple of Fleetwood Mac songs which are always good to hear - especially if they're going to be covered that well! I've always thought the harmony of LBT reminded me of Mac anyway so it works for me!
But you should all know that anyway, right?
Because you're all listening to them from your iTunes downloads...right?! lol
And stay tuned kiddies! Tomorrow...Banana Jam (hopefully with pictures if I can figure that part out!)
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I didn't download it but I've seen shows at the HOB and eaten at the restaurant (just ask BH (and i'm gagging as i write that)about the zombie head thing and my fave coctail there if you want to laugh!) The cajun shrimp appetizer is DA BOMB! the spicy stuff is the PERFECT cure for what ails ya. I must say, i never got to sit in the Veep section on a big comfy chair....I'm soooooo jealous! LMAO
ReplyDeleteThe concert was awesome, the seats were awesome, the dinner was awesome, the company was awesome! Borgata...not so awesome. Stupid slots!
ReplyDeleteThe whole night was great! The food, the company, and the show! And Yes I am game for the TAT!