Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It is NOT LIKELY BUT QUITE POSSIBLY gonna suck today

Why does weird shit, annoying shit always seem to happen on Wednesdays?  Is there some sort of law that says it can't be on Mondays, cause they're, you know, MONDAYS??  They suck enough by virtue of placement in the week so no more evil shit that day!  Can't be on Fridays, cause, they're you know, FRIDAYS?!?  Supposed to, by virtue of THEIR placement in the weekly schedule be happy and wonderful lead into the weekend days.  (oh, if only that were true for MY Friday, what, given the SUPOENA to give a deposition to one of the deputy district attorneys of my fair state WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF LEGAL COUNSEL BY MY SIDE, but oh, lets save THAT for another day, shall we?!?)  So apparently, it's Wednesday SUCK day.

A friend tells me a story of woe and evil ingratitude of the most heinous kind in which a son (underage by 3 frelling weeks, if you're counting) gets picked up for stupid illegal shit.  Not drugs, not felony, just stupid teenage boy/almost man kinds of shit.  He was underage.  Became of age and was (rightfully, IMHO) told by said father, it's my way or the highway, you want to play like a man and be stupid, be a man and get the frell out.  Manchild said, yep, outta here and left.  Now summons gets mailed to dad, with DAD listed as an ACCOMPLICE because the kid was, you know, a KID at the time of the incident.  Hell, I'm fairly certain, dad was at work at the time of said incident. 

Now, seriously, how can THAT even be legal?!?!?!?!  What a clusterfuck that is gonna be!

I get hit with this line in a written report...and from the get go let me announce: this shall become one of my new favorite oxymoron idiocies that I've ever heard or, hopefully, shall ever hear.  In said written report, I trip across the following sentence in response to a question as to whether someone can tolerate getting into trouble for being stupid:

It is NOT LIKELY BUT QUITE POSSIBLE HE MAY DECOMPENSATE as a result of blah blah blah...

What in the HOLYHELLFUCKSHITSTUPIDVERSE of life is that supposed to mean?  I actually announced upon reading said sentence that my brain had turned so violently as a result of it that I think I've actually suffered a rather severe concussion with deep contrecoup injury.  I need workman's comp and a vacation until my surgery.  I'm no longer fit to work.


  1. Vacations are such a wonderful thing! Why don't you take one since you have so much time coming to you? Let it start Monday and run through, lets say, 7/8 weeks or so?

  2. Today's the deposition day and I've already been alerted that afterwards, we are going out and getting drunk. So I'm prepared!!
