Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday wonderings...

So, those who know me know that stupidity is almost second nature to me. So...this bit of stupidity occurs to me and I blame it on occupational hazard:

Man A marries woman.

Woman is no longer there and they have not divorced.

Man A usually then inherits a title that tells the world that he WAS married but is not any longer. This title usually carries with it a certain emotional quality. One commonly feels empathy, sorrow, sympathy, and any number of other nice human emotions that tell us we are all tied into the global human condition.

BUT...(knew this had to be coming didn't you?!?)...given where I work and what I do, this just can't be simple can it.

Dr.M talks to Man A. Now needs to list his marital status. He was married. His wife is no longer in the picture. (wait for it, wait for it). They are not divorced. They are not separated. (WAIT FOR IT!) She has passed on.

Passed on because he is now serving some indeterminate period for having helped her to this new status condition his very own self.

Folks, I'm I going to go to Hell for any certain period of time because I'm baffled as to what to list his marital status as????????

Widower...not even...nope, not even the tiniest SPECK of sympathy here, lol

Single?? easy cop out there, can't go with it.

Widower, self-inflicted?????????

Yep, I'll just pick out my spot NOW so I can get a good view from the Volcano mountains of the surfers on the Lake of Fire. I'm sooooo going to Hell.

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