Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wanderings of a Semi-Lucid Mind


Oh, how I want to hate you for this! they're having their 10 year anniversary so that means all their bonus download games are on sale for $10.  (And...btw, by the time you read this, that'll be done.  One shot day only.  Don't worry, they'll have another one soon, probably something for the Labor Day weekend anyway.)  So, I tripped across a new game...World Mosaic 2 .  (For the sake of clarity, I'm going to make that go to a site where I'm sure you'll see it. At this hour, I don't know if you'll see it on the Club Pogo download area if you're not a Club pogo member.  It's late, I'm fried, so fuck off! lol)

TIME SUCK!!!!!!!


Look at the posting time here folks, I've been sucked in like a cheap hooker being promised crack and a bath.  I've been at this damn thing for 2 hours now.  I could go 2 more.  I'm not proud...or tired...(thank you Arlo know you wanna...enjoy!).

You should all go to whatever site you like and get this game.  Or at least play the free download they probably all offer.  If YOU can keep from buying you, screw you for your self-control.  If you can't, welcome to my world.

Think I can be sweet, pleasant, and therapeutic on 5 hours sleep?

Nah, me neither.


  1. You sure need to get some sleep, girl, You are rambling here! I take it that you like the new game in pogo. This would explain why I didn't find anyone when I came over. Hope you feel better in the morning. Love you

  2. World Mosaics 1 and 2 are quite addicting!!
